Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I'm in Thailand!

So I've made it to Thailand. I have been here three days and I'm finally just starting to get over the jet lag. Until today I have been waking up at 3am. Today I woke up at 4:30. Tomorrow I am hoping to sleep till 5:30.
Thailand is HOT. Not so much temperature wise but more humidity. We don't have humidity like this in Philly. I have been running every morning at 6:30 and I am completely drenched by the time I get back to the hotel. I can't imagine trying to run any later than that.
Everyone has been really nice so far. They are always checking on me to make sure that I am ok.
When I first arrived I wondered around for a while on foot checking out what was close to the hotel. Where I am is basically farmland with a small town or two accessible by foot. I quickly realized that in order for me to survive and find food I would need a moped. The following day I rented a moped and found my way to Pattaya. It is a small city about 4k away. It is basically the prostitution capital of the world. I have not attempted to go there at night. My usual day so far has been running at 6:30, heading to Pattaya to eat food and drink coconut water around 8:30, then I have been returning back to my hotel around noon to relax and snooze before training at 3pm. The moped has been a ton of fun.
I have only trained once so far and it was great. My trainers name is Kru Pon. He suggested that after he trains me for two weeks I should fight in Thailand. I politely suggested that I think I would like to wait for a later date. Not so sure I want to fight in Thailand. I don't really want to take an elbow to the face. Safer in the states with no elbows. So anyway, I felt pretty good about the first session. I was pretty surprised that i hung so well in the heat. He had two other people request him the same day so we all took turns going for about 20 min at a time. Between training and watching the show they put on for the tourists, I ended up staying there for a good 3-4 hours. He had me finish up with doing 200 situps. Good times. Tonight after training Kru Pon is taking me to watch a fight. I will definitely post more later...for now I have to get ready to train

Ok, I am back from training. I take back what I said about the heat. Today was very HOT. Probably about 10 degrees hotter than yesterday. I almost passed out at one point while training. April is supposed to be the hottest month of the year here. lucky me. I honestly don't even know how I made it through training. I need to find Gatorade if I am going to survive this heat. Anyway, there is a fight tonight. Kru Pon is coming over and we are going to ride our mopeds there. Not sure I can stay awake that long, but I am going to try. more later....


  1. Sarah,

    No fight in Thailand. When you come home I will get you a fight. I don't want your first fight being full rules.

  2. I agree. I'm too afraid of elbows.
