Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 2

So it has been Songkran all week long! Which basically means plan on getting hit with water everywhere you go. Especially if you are riding a moped (which happens to be my only option for getting to food)
The week has gone by so fast.
Let's see. It has been my second week of training so far. I definitely have felt stronger this past week and am able to handle the heat a little bit better. I have decided to take it a little easier with my runs rather than just going all out and running 6 days a week. It was making my training sessions less than they could be. Plus, I don't run or train this much at home so I figure I have to ease into it a little bit more or I will end up burning out from exhaustion. So last week I did 4 days running and 6 days training. The two days that I took a break from running were definitely my strongest. It's crazy how much I feel like I know nothing even though I have been doing this a little over two years now. There are a lot of really good people training at the gym right now also. No other Americans are there at the moment but I have seen English, French, Finlanders and several Thai's(It's a given).
Here are two people that I have made friends with. The girl is Thai and the guy is French. I find It so fascinating that they don't speak each others languages but have managed to fall in love in their second languages(english). He has already left to head back to France to figure out their marriage paperwork. They are both very sweet. (Thomas and Fon)
Since Fon lives here hopefully she and I will be hanging out more before I leave.
On to the boys. There are a bunch of boys that live at the gym during the week then go home to their family's on Sundays. They are so cute. My buddies are Beit and Dia. They both run with me sometimes if I make it there before they leave. (They run at 6. I tend not to make it there till 6:45-7)
This is Dia showing off.

This is Beit doing his 500 knees while Dia is trying to get me to call him some sort of insult in Thai.

They are both a ton of fun once they warm up to you. I spend majority of my training with them clinching and sparring. They are both great at teaching and their technique is beautiful.
Beit has a fight coming up this Thursday.
Sunday I took off and somehow managed to eat everything in sight. I spent majority of the day at the beach with one of my new friends from England Rachel.
I realized I have no photos of my English friends so I will be sure to get some this week. They are leaving this weekend:( They have been my buddies for the last week. I have spent almost every night eating dinner with them.
Speaking of food my diet mainly consists of cereal, noodles, rice, some sort of stir fried meat, pinapple, and the occasional ice cream.
This was lunch the other day. My first taste of Pad Thai in Thailand! Cost me about a $1.50. It was delicious!
At one point during the week I started getting somewhat ill because I didn't know how to tell people not to put MSG in the food.(Which I am allergic to) It made training difficult for a few days. They love themselves some MSG over here in Thailand. After a few days my friend Fon helped me learn how to say it. Now since I have gotten the tones down most people understand me and I have been feeling a ton better.
I definitely need to update you guys on Songkran but I have to get ready for training now. I'll try to post videos as soon as I can. It is so much fun!
Miss you guys!


  1. Dia was my favorite. I would sweep him, and he would laugh at me "hahha Falong"

  2. Yeah, he is a firecracker. I learn so much from those boys.
