Thursday, April 7, 2011


So, yeah. The whole heat thing. It's as bad as everyone says. The tricky part is you don't really feel like eating when its hot but really I should be eating more because of all the training. Electrolytes are also super important. I was fried within a half hour yesterday from overheating. I think it's going to take me a few weeks to get it all figured out.
Today I am pretty much exhausted. I tried to drag myself to run this morning but I couldn't do it. I needed sleep more than running. I ran 3.5mi a day for the last 3 days so I don't feel too bad about taking one off. Plus I am still going to train for at least 2-3hours today. My goal is to be running between 4-6mi a day 6 days a week by the time I leave.
The fight last night was really great. The main event was two females fighting for Welterweight champion of the world. One Thai the other from England. Both held belts from their respective countries. The girl from England slaughtered the Thai girl. Pretty surprising considering Thai's train from like the age of 3. They stopped the fight during the second round probably because the Thai girl took so many elbows to the face and it all started to go downhill for her from there. They are really a lot of fun to watch. Too bad I was so exhausted that I only hung around for a few of them.

The best is watching the little kids that are professional fighters. They are wicked good. I failed to get pictures of them but I will make sure to next time I attend a fight.

Other than frying yesterday training is great. Kru Pon is a really good trainer and a really nice guy. He is always concerned that I am ok. Yesterday we did pads for about a half hour. He then had me spar with one of the young professional fighters for about 20-30 min then I clinch sparred with two of the young fighters for another half hour or so. They are good. They also do a really great job teaching.
There are about 10-12 kids(maybe more) that are always around when I go to train. I got some of them in trouble yesterday when I told Kru Pon that I saw them when i was running in the morning. He asked me if they were running or walking. Unfortunately for them I only saw them walking during the 40min I was there. He then proceeded to ask them how much they ran and then yelled at them and made them do laps. I think they are starting to warm up to me a little bit. They seem to be wary of foreigners when they first arrive. Rightfully so. There are a lot of meat heads running around.
Today has definitely been a little rough. I am starting to miss everyone at home. Also, the exhaustion is kicking my butt and I'm not sleeping so well because the bed in my hotel room feels like I am sleeping on a rock. I end up tossing and turning all night. I think I am going to try to get someone to send me a mattress topper. At least I think that I am finally getting used to the time zone. I was able to stay in bed till 7 this morning.
I went into Pattaya earlier today to check out the mall that they have there. The food court downstairs was really nice. I was able to eat vegetables for the first time since I have been here. yay! I was craving them something fierce. Not only were they vegetables, but they were my favorite cooked green. I first ate them in Taiwan and loved them. I have never been able to find them in the states.Anyway, gotta get ready to train. Miss you guys!

Update: Just returned from training. Today went soooo much better than yesterday. Before hand I went to the pharmacy to buy electrolyte powder and downed a bunch of it. I think it made a huge difference. That and it wasn't as hot today. The clouds rolled in and it started to rain. Training with Kru Pon went really well. I was able to keep up with him and still had energy after doing pads. I then proceeded to spar and then clinch with the younger boys that are there everyday. I think they are starting to warm up to me a little bit. Pon had me doing pushups with them. They were making fun of me because I didn't have to do as many and also because I was doing them on my knees. When I went to finish up my day with situps they also went to do situps with me. Kinda nice feeling a little more accepted.
Now I am back in my room eating leftover greens and chicken curry. Today started out a little rough but training made it all better. Hopefully now I can get a good nights rest.


  1. It doesn't make sense why we are not best friends. Bikes and Muay Thai?

  2. ps. I am soooo jealous! I want to be in Thailand with you training!!!

  3. We should definitely hang and discuss when I get back.

  4. Sarah, this is so interesting to read, both the Taiwan and training aspect. When we were in Guatemala, did I tell you that my bro and I were really into MMA?

    So interesting to read!

    take care!


  5. Yo! I told you the food courts in SE Asia were where it's at. Cheap and so many choices!
    Glad you are working hard. :)

  6. Sawadee Sarah,

    Sounds like they are accepting you. That is a good thing if Pon is already letting you spar. Thai style right? Nice and relaxed and calm.
