Friday, April 8, 2011

No really, I'm in Thailand.

I was sitting in Pattaya having coffee this morning thinking "Holy crap I am really in Thailand!". It's hard to wrap my head around being on the other side of the world. I have done it before, but this time I am on my own and basically living here for two months. crazy
Last night I passed out around 9pm and was able to sleep until 5:30 this morning. yay! I mean I tossed and turned, but it was still a full nights sleep for the most part. I got out to run around 6:30. Even though its early, it's still so ridiculously humid. We don't have this kind of humidity in Philly. I run at this elementary school just down the road from my hotel. They have a pond on the grounds with a .5mi track around it. There are always a bunch of people exercising there in the morning. The school has a bunch of different exercise machines set up around the outskirts of the pond. It's a pretty cool little area. A bunch of the boys from camp showed up about half way through my run. (Age ranges 9-14ish probably) I said hello and bowed. They all said hello back. :) I lapped them a few times. slow pokes.
After, I returned to the hotel and proceeded to do my laundry. I brought laundry detergent with me from home. Thanks to Mark Houldin I will now be bringing laundry detergent with me on every trip I go on. The washing machines at the hotel only cost 20baht (about 70cents). So Cheap!
Initially I was thinking about trying to stay somewhere closer to Pattaya, but now I am thinking I am just going to stay put. It's really nice and quiet here except for one bird that likes to start screaming at 5am. Plus everything is pretty accessible from here by moped and the camp is just down the road. Which is the reason I am here.
After my morning antics I headed into Pattaya for coffee and lunch. I once again returned to the mall food court because it is just sooo delicious. I ate my favorite greens and some chicken and ginger dish. Pretty tasty. Total it probably cost me about $5. I am getting into a habit of eating half and then taking the other half home for dinner. It works out well only paying $5 a day for food. I have also been eating Clif bars everyday about 2 hours before training. I think they help, but I am going to start running low on them soon. Oh no!
I am slightly nervous about training today. The sun seems to be out in full effect so I know it is going to be HOT. I am drinking water and electrolyte powder like a MOFO in preparation.
Just after typing this clouds rolled in and now I am starting to hear thunder. So we shall see. If anything I will be very well hydrated.
I am going to try to get a nap in before training. more later...

Update: Training went pretty well today. It started to rain just as I left for the gym and once I got there is just down poured. It made it not so hot which was really nice. Today I did 6 rounds, sparred 20min and bag work about a half hour. I am pooped. Definitely looking forward to a day off tomorrow. With running and training everyday this week my body is feeling a little broken. I am just not used to training so hard. Somewhere along the way I think I might have bruised my tail bone. Probably when one of the boys dropped me. Which happens a lot. They might be small but they are fierce. Pon asked me if I wanted to train tomorrow at 7:30 but I think I will burn out if I don't get some recovery in. He said he is going to take me for Tom Yum (traditional Thai soup) tomorrow since I like spicy food.
Alright, I am off to bed...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is an adventure. I'm jealous of the food and how fit you'll be afterwards. Keep writing!
