Anyway, other than getting 10 giant hickeys, the day was pretty uneventful. It is getting a little stressful but I can handle it. It's all part of the fun. Over half the bikes are finished in China. Only about 30 to go! Then it is off to Taiwan to finish the rest there.
Here is where I eat lunch everyday:
Kind of random I know, but after that massage I'm feeling a little loopy. The food here at the factory is great. It is my favorite food in China. We have our own cooks and everything. They call me the chopstick master. (not really, but they do always compliment my chopstick skillz) Actually, being here is quite good for the ego. Everywhere I go they like to tell me how beautiful I am. It's great. They don't see many female rounds eyes in these parts so I attribute it to that. That and I AM beautiful. hah.
I went to "Window of the World" yesterday. It was alright. It is basically miniature statues of the wonders of the world. Please see below:
Wait no, I'm sorry that is me sticking my head in a statues nose.
THIS is a miniature of a world wonder:
And again:It was cool. I went with one of the girls from the factory. She loved it. That made me happy since they never leave the factory ever. Then I took her out to lunch. It was a fun time. She said the day was unforgettable. That made me laugh...I wonder if she doesn't understand the word, or it really was unforgettable to her. Either way, I am glad she is happy. Plus, I got the sweet pic of me hanging out of the statues nose. It was an over all successful trip. I wasn't bored once over the weekend. I do miss everyone at home. So let me leave you with this photo to contemplate until my next post:
old "10 hickie" slieberman does it again.