Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chillin in China 4/19

If there was a photo I could show you guys who have never been here to describe China, it would be the above photo. It's high class or no class here. There is no middle, you either live in luxury or you live in a shack with rubble all around. Being that I am in the middle of manufacturing central, I see more rubble than luxury. I am however staying in a 5 star hotel for $40 a night. It's pretty crazy.
Nice eh?
Anyway, I am terrible at posting everyday, so I will just post when I can. It is Sunday morning here (Saturday night at home).
This is what I wake up to every morning.
(View from my balcony, yes, I have a balcony on the 15th floor)
It's crazy how incredibly polluted this country is. Of course everything in the world is made here, so it makes sense. Today I will be going to something called Window of the Worlds. Apparently it is a miniature park of the Wonders of the world. That should be quite interesting. I'll take lots of pictures.
Nothing too exciting has been going on. It's work, work, work for the most part. (Which is what I am here to do) The photoshoot is going well. We are done taking photos of at least half my models. They look great :)
So these are some of the people I work with in the factories over here.

Mark is our Senior Product manager. All the other people are the ones who make our decisions happen in China. They are very hard workers and are fun to work with.
OK, I am off the Window of the worlds. I will post more later.

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