The last week has been a really tough one physically and emotionally. I spent majority of it in bed with a fever. ugg. I was only able to train Mon and Tues before it hit me. I am trying not to be too disappointed about it, but it's really difficult because I wanted to be further than where I currently am. Now I am going to have to use this entire next week to work back up to where I was. That's ok though. I'll try to work hard when I get home and use this summer to improve even more.
Yesterday I was still sick and starting to get worried, but today I woke up and am feeling a ton better. I think that I will finally get to have a really good week of training. No more sickness! Yes! I am really looking forward to focusing this last week and a half of training that I have left. Last Monday one of the boys kicked me good and I didn't block. This thing got even larger the next day. It's Sunday now and its still there! I have had it a whole week.

The lady Sheri who runs it was super sweet. She gave me a three hour lesson on how to cook four different Thai dishes. I had so much fun. The food is definitely tasty in Thailand, but this was way better than anything I have had in the restaurants here. It was soo delicious! There were also two other people there taking lessons. They were cooking different food, so not only did I get to eat everything I made, I got to taste what they made also.
Below is all of the ingredients I cut up that I am about to crush and turn into Penang Curry paste.

I also made Tom Yum Kung spicy soup. It was amazing!

The guy on the left was making all different Thai desserts so I made a bunch of notes about how to make them also. I am going to try to have a dinner party when I get home and make everyone Thai food.

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